Thursday 3 January 2008

Shit Happens

Shit happens...well thats what i precisely told myself when i was a new-born and i had to deal with a hard comprehension that things came inside my stomach pallete from a different source but had to be indiscriminately stuffed out from a different outlet. Precisely thats what made me understand the concept of Entry and Exit but with a different frame of mindset. My comprehension made me startled on many different aspects in this first nature call of my life. The first thing that i noticed was that everything lost its colour in eventuality and had to be transferred to one common colour in life, Yellow. This colour reminded me of something i had seen in morning, Everything around me seemed to be lit in this colour and the force doing the same was referred to me by the name of sunlight. Whatever everybody said i just knew one thing that Evrything was lit in the morning in the same colour to which i converted all my eateries, my excreta. At that moment also, though i was aloof to all the basic persuasions and emotions of life, I had one feeling oozing out of me, Adamancy to believe that i was special cog in humankind's belief. I could'nt understand a simple concept that everybody's excreta was of the same colour but i just knew that i was out here in the world to do something special as even my excreta was of the colour of sunlight to which not only the world respected and adored but also worshipped. I was agog of the fact that the whole world was lit by it. I could'nt stop marvelling the fact that i was so important creation of God and the versatility with which i kept converting all different coloured eatables into the same colour--YELLOW. I had a shock of my lifetime when i discovered that everybody of my generation was growing with the same dream and conception or misconception rather. But for the realisation to sink in within me i needed to see somebody else's shit, and that introduced me to the biggest concept of life that to believe that my shit was inconsequential in world's evolution, i had to see other's shit. Dont just question me how i managed to do it the first time when i was in school, but dont underestimate my inquisitiveness also which was and always remained my forte and made my tete-a-tete' with reality. Well everything might have changed in me but one quality always stayed, Adamancy and due to it now 25 Years henceforth also i am trying to tell myself the same thing, SHIT HAPPENS.