Wednesday 7 May 2008

contd......The Lady

He could not think how to draw the hair because his mind was distraught between all the proportions of the nature but his heart knew what exactly was needed, and when those locks fell in place god was astonished to note the similarity which they had with the intertwined branches of the trees which gave shade and bread to every passer-by who was tired and they seemed to be endlessly flowing which gave them the grace of the river which satiates the thirst of every traveller which might have not reached his destination but knows that there is nothing more divine than resting in those endless locks and enjoying the thirst-quenching water it offered. The forehead, it was just like the valley on which the mountains love to rest their peaks. Those flat places of land are a breather and a sense of joy to the trekker who has scaled millions of challenges and has borne testimony to hard days of work for reaching the summit and this is his reward, the soothening effect and the vivacity it exudes, this is what he was living for. This is what the forehead of a lady looked like.
Infact the forehead stood to determine the face which was tough to create and tougher to explain, but it was easy to feel, easy to be amazed with and easy to feel a sense of eternity upon. When god started to make it he had a Red Rose in his mind, as the mould started progressing it just left the scent of rose behind. It was not a simple inanimate feature stamped on any material, it was a feeling, it was an etho, which a tired man after a complete day of hard work returned to see and as soon as he stared at it, all his pains went away. He forgot how hard he had worked and how much he slogged the entire day because the mere look at her smiling face made his day and make him feel as if it was the homecoming of a victorious King to his heavenly abode. But the God was just not satisfied, infact he was so enchanted by that smile itself that he wanted to give eternity to it, infact he got so much moved by this creation that he poured a little vial of enchanting liquid on her face to preserve the eternity of that smile. But he forgot that the Man was not the creature who would appreciate that eternity, infact Man was a strange creature. He just did not like the things that were eternal because he was always suspicious of its eternity. Man in himself was a creation which wanted to preserve things but was afraid of their vitality so he became possessive of it, he wanted to cage the free spirit of it. He wanted to package that smile and in that process he fell in love with it and herewith obsession was born. There fore what God aspired to be the boon for the Lady turned out to be her bane. She was blamed when anybody fell in Love with her smile and henceforth enchanting came to be associated with grey shades of vibes. If she spread her smile around she was thought of bewitching people and enchanting them, because the fact stayed as it is, people fell in love with her whenever she smiled. Those who had their conveniences stacked against falling in love blamed her and started to hate her. God was astonished to see it, he was so revved up in making the rose that he suddenly noticed that he had himself pricked his hand and set himself bleeding, aah there were the thorns which he forgot to remove.
He was more stable now, he didn’t want to commit any more mistakes in the masterpiece he was attempting, this piece had to be perfect. So after making an enchanting face he set off to give her a stable and sensible outlook here on, what he didn’t realise was that he was about to design her heart.

Monday 5 May 2008

Woman---The Mirage Inherent

Its difficult to evolve yourself into a new creature and god knew that he could not embody his (Ansh) into multiple beings but he knew somewhere deep down his heart that he needed to pass on the gift of creation to a creature agog with his own creativity who could carry it to……..but with this immense power came the pain and he could not breed any person to do it. He tried and made many tutelages of his own to gift them the power of creation but he found that they were not strong enough to carry his word through. He tried a lot but whenever he tried to make, he just created a prototype of the same diffident sort that he was creating. He tried to concentrate and he tried hard and with every hard try he gave a much better result with every successive creature having a gift of better brainpower and capable of better thought with more diverse power to live than the previous one but somehow he felt that it was not adept to bear the pain of creativity, who could not bred patiently a new life to see the light of the day. He became frustrated with himself and decided to give up because he was short of ingredients to create a perfect piece to bred the succinct humanity.
Devoid of rest since ages in his pursuit he felt the urge to sleep. Then he had the vision, and he was fast asleep when he made Women, because he had to be dreaming to carve out that masterpiece. It wasn’t possible for any humanly body, not even god for that case could carve out with his naked eyes wide open,a masterpiece that pristine which had perfection written all over it. He had to had all his senses wide awake, to smell the aromas of the fresh air which whiffs past you when it is about to rain, to hear the clatter of the tweety birds which wait for the sun to wake up so that they can signal the dawn, to arouse his tactile senses and have a heartful look at sandal which is about to bred in its youth, and to rise up above savouring all these senses and convert them into a sculpture which would bear a testimony of his gracious hand and his finesse in gifting the mankind a sculpt which embodied his most divine gift, THE STRENGTH TO CREATE.
His hand started moving and everything just fell in place. He did not know how it was done because he wasn’t himself awake at that time and he felt that his brain stopped working for some time, but this time his hand was going slow because it was controlled by his heart when he made this creature of his. He could not think how to draw the hair because his mind was distraught between all the proportions of the nature but his heart knew what exactly was needed, and when those locks fell in place god was astonished to note the similarity which they had with the intertwined branches of the trees which gave shade and bread to every passer-by who was tired and they seemed to be endlessly flowing which gave them the grace of the river which satiates the thirst of every traveller which might have not reached his destination but knows that there is nothing more divine than resting in those endless locks and enjoying the thirst-quenching water it offered.