Friday 27 August 2010

ALMA MATER...4th Note

So it’s a new day again and I am back and I want to talk about a place which would just lighten you up. But would like to tell you that this story is not batch specific and youjust have to replace the character from one of his kind in your own batch. The characters are the same, just names are different.

Though this was not my favourite place but a lot of people reading this would disagree with me. This used to be a socialist place, when I say that a lot of people would ask me what it means. Well in a jungle there is a place where you find water and that place is worth watching because all the animals come and drink water there. From lion to a rabbit, everybody everyday comes to that place and this was such a place. Initially it used to have open courtyards where you could have an eye whether a professor was coming and so you got a chance to smoke. As soon as students saw the predator coming they took strategic positions to vanish if required. You were always on your toes, but a question would come why anybody would go to such a risky place, answer is all the gossips were born here.

Any new affair, you just had to visit a place and observe and you would find a new gossip brewing. Lecturer sitting together was a masala to connoisseur’s eyes and everybody went there to upgrade his knowledge about college current affairs. If you wanted to hold the pulse of the college it was right there and it is anybody’s guess, yes its our college canteen.

Enter the place and you would find the entire computer gang sitting on the first bench, people like kumbhu(rumoured to have wasted all his money on beauties of their batch) mama and mami(happily married now) and priyank ji controlling the proceedings. What was he doing there I have never been able to understand, but he always seemed to have that wicked smile on his face when he saw his group guy’s (people like kala) looking at him with awe. Adjacent to the table you would find doody and jassi controlling the proceedings with the frequent sly comments about every girl sitting on the other table and accompanying them were a lot of people. Now those people were never important as they might claim about themselves but they were the extras that are always standing behind the heroes and villain in the movie. They are the same people who never matter to anybody, whether they live die sleep jump, as long as they keep on giving their piece of advise in between which kept the commentary of jassi and doody moving.

Behind them you would find a table on which electronics batch would be sitting. These people are one of its kinds and I would like to describe them in detail. They are the people who never attend college, I mean they come but never have classes, but still they feel that they are the best dudes around. Every junior girl should crave for them, every senior should beware of them and every guy should respect them. What happened was always the opposite. Every senior laughed at them, every junior girl tried to avoid them and every batchmate made fun of them, but still this was the self-proclaimed best group of the college. You would find saurabh arora with a rupee in his hand who would claim to entice every girl to pay for him, Ashish narang who would pay for everybody around and try to talk to every girl, Prashant mangla type people who would get ready from room, do pooja daily in morning and then come and sit in canteen. I always used to wonder why was he praying at room, maybe he wanted to go lucky with girls or get an extra samosa that day and this “fundoo” group has people which it attracts who think that this is the best group.

These people are Mrinal Prasad Yadav types who had to bunk their classes as well to match up the electronics, and to make the entire chemical batch of frustrated guys jealous who were like a bunch of 35-40 odd people, mind you it’s a group of 35-40 people but no single guy. What I mean is it doesn’t matter who those people are but yaa they are found in bunches, travel in hordes and are jealous of every group that has traces of girls.

Let me see whose sitting on the next table, ohh yaa this is a branch which is unique to our college only, because you wont find it in any other college, surprise surprise these are metallurgy guys, Now I know it would be tough for people who haven’t been in MNIT to understand what that means but lets just rest it at some mumbo jumbo which nobody is interested to know, even they are not interested so why should we talk about it.
These guys are most underrated in the college and are the most talented batch of people, at least that’s what they think. They are generally found smooching from the rooftops and people in electronics batch(including their lecturers looking and getting excited by it). I still remember the day when everybody was running around telling everybody to collect at electronics branch balcony as their was the best view possible, I went there as well but strictly in the capacity of reporter to notice that two people were trying to pin each other down with high adrenaline and lots of energy on display at such maddening heat. I was taken aback by their dedication towards college that they had to do it at the rooftop and assume that nobody was watching, and when they went inside in the canteen, the stadium erupted with huge roar as if they were sehwag and gautam gambhir returning to pavilion after a successful first session against Australia on the first test match. But anyways otherwise these people are most harmonious people on the college and as they have a less girl-guy ratio they prefer to roam in groups and four guys take turn to talk to one girl in complete harmony. Mechanical Civil and electrical guys are also sitting their somewhere but its not important to talk about them here, they are mostly insignificant to everything, and IT well I have covered them with computer as they don’t have anything of their own, its all borrowed from computer branch.

If you are wondering where is architecture, they are either sleeping in hostel or boozing in afternoon only and if thadi has opened they are sitting there. We as a branch avoid going to canteen and being seen there, but yes one incident comes to my mind when we were trying to sit in cafeteria and bunking class as we had not prepared our submission and suddenly we saw entire branch teachers coming to the canteen. As soon as we saw the predators, the entire branch ran in unison towards the back door as the danger was near and somehow we ran over the tables jumped around the chairs to make a dash to the back door and as fate would have it, few of us made out and crouched just outside the gate. Now it’s a tricky situation because the lecturers we noted were seated on a table which gave the clear view of the back gate on their right side and few of them were staring towards our side. Rest of the guys were stuck inside which made it a tough case for them to escape as the gate was visible so they were crouched near the toilet which housed all the piss which day scholars could muster in the entire day. You can imagine how stinking it would be, and suddenly these guys noticed a lecturer coming to drink water there due to which they went inside and occupied one urinal each, at that point kala and chacha would have cursed their luck as:
(a) No hosteller ever likes to smell the stink of day scholars piss
(b) Our lecturer pareek had to pee after drinking water!!!!

And rest as they say, IS HISTORY!!!

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