Friday 27 August 2010

Hold Pace

Close the door...Me said to Myself. Bang it went, had my sights set on the window, was a temptation but finally decided to close it as well. Fresh air should not enter the room filled with thoughts, lest they fly away. I pulled open my drawer and brought the books out, they had started to smell rotten. Mind and Books are alike in this aspect, they start breeding rotten garb if kept idle for some time. After nasal provish or improvishness testified for themselves, it was the turn to test Ears. Heard some sensible person advise, Never keep advises to yourself, God has given you two ears which are exactly in symmetry with each other, ever wondered why? If you are an architect and have worked on drawing stuffs like Autocad and all you might be tempted to think its because of the mirror command, as symmetry is easy to create, but giving God benefit of doubt, I assume he does manual draughting and if thats the case, Symmetry should be something pleasant. Anyways he gave us two ears within "Breathing" distance of each other and direct in line so that you might recieve from one end and give it a deserving exit from another. But when it moves that path, the brain is left over with some residues of "Passing Thought". In due course of time this passing thing metamorphoses into a lump which is called everlasting impression about yourselves attained by you courtesy others. and God forbid, if you took the untrodden path in life and took conventional or unconventional decisions, lump is going to become too big, so big that it might hinder the Natural path and approach to your thought process.

By now you might have got my dilemma pretty much, life’s been lots of unconventional stuff, things about which i never heard about, decisions which nobody advised and nobody supported and advises which i never heeded to. There is a system and there is an order about the dis-order of my life. But things are changing everyday and they evolve everyday to lead me into an unventured and unexplored realm whenever i try to settle into a sedate rhythm around my life.

There are two types of lessons in life, one which you get from books and others which you get from everything other than books. The latter one is a widespread knowledge for which lots of skills are required, for that you need to open the window and let the fresh air in, but the former, can only be holistically attained when you close the windows, doors, limit the fresh air and capture the ideas within a stale environment until your mind slowly absorbs them and keeps it within your storehouse.
Door stayed shut, sufi music started blowing slowly and everything just got dark.

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